quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2012

The Easiest Exercise To Get A Toned Stomach

Having been looking for a way to get a toned stomach for some time, I've found several ways that work well. I wanted to share one of those with you.

First of all, you need to make sure that you're getting a flatter stomach for the right reasons. This may sound odd but you have to make sure that you're doing it for yourself and not for anyone else. If you do it for the wrong reasons (like because someone said something to you), you won't keep up the things you need to do to keep that tummy toned!

If you're like me, you may have already found and even tried a ton of ways to get a flatter tummy. Many are hard work to keep up... After all, no one wants to be sore for the whole of the next day.

The truth is, there are easier how to get a toned stomach.

One of the things you've probably already heard is 'Eat Less, Exercise More'. That's fine as far as advice goes, but it doesn't deal with toning your tummy the way you might want. I certainly didn't have a film star body after doing it... I just ended up being more hungry!

Here's one of my favourite techniques from the method that got me the results I wanted:
The simple name for it is a squat. If you can get good at doing these, they will help you to get a leaner body far more quickly than conventional exercise or fad diets.

I hadn't heard of them but it simply means you stand with your feet shoulder width apart and then squat down. The idea is to do this with a weight across your shoulders or over your head. I prefer the 'across your shoulders' way of doing it.

It doesn't actually look like you're working out your abs, but the fact that you're lifting a weight (even a light one) as you go to standing position means that you're honing your stomach muscles each time you do it.

The best way to start is with an unweighted bar to get the motion right and then build up to a slightly heavier weight. There's no need to go overboard with it, just to the point you feel comfortable but not overly weighed down. After all, if you can't stand up after the first squat, then you're not working anything out!

Also, be sure to keep your back straight. You should feel it working your abs as you rise up. Do it steadily (not fast) and you'll have a way to tone your stomach quickly.